AlzGene - Gene overview of all published AD-association studies for NOS2A
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 Gene: NOS2A  (NOS; INOS; NOS2; HEP-NOS)  Entrez Gene    View on MSGene   View on PDGene
 Protein: nitric oxide synthase 2A (inducible, hepatocytes)   ProteinLink
 Chromosome: 17   (View: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  X  Y  MT)
 Status: Updated 29 April 2005
1. Case-Control Studies (by ethnic group)
      AD Cases Normal Controls    
Study Population Source # Polys # Subjects
(% women)
DX Onset Age
# Subjects
(% women)
Result Comment
Xu, 2000
UK & Belgium CL  1  (detail)  91
Singleton, 2001
UK CL  1  (detail)  158
N-79.1 + 0.7
78.2 + 0.8
Contact us if you are an author of an association study regarding this gene and do not find your study in this table or find errors in the representation of your study details.
Source:  Source of case population -> “CL” (clinic-based), “PO” (population-based), or “CO” (community-based).
# Polys:  Number of polymorphisms tested per gene and per sample.
Onset Age and Age:  Mean or median age at onset or examination, respectively.
DX:  Criteria used to determine AD diagnosis ->  "C" (clinical AD diagnosis), "N" (neuropathological AD diagnosis), "M" (mixed, i.e. AD sample contains both clinical and neuropathological cases), "U" (unknown).
Result:  Overall conclusion reached by authors of the original publication (“positive” usually indicates significant (P<0.05) association in at least one of the performed analyses, and “negative” indicates no evidence for significant association, while “trend” indicates results in between); results obtained in duplicate or largely overlapping samples are listed as "n.a.".
(-) :  Either no data provided or in case of overlap, data included in original study.
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AlzGene Stats
Studies: 1395
Genes: 695
Polymorphisms: 2973
Meta-analyses: 320
Cure Alzheimer's Fund
Proud supporter of the AlzGene database.
Michael J. Fox Foundation
The PDGene database is supported by a grant from The Michael J. Fox Foundation in partnership with the Alzheimer Research Forum.


The National Cell Repository for Alzheimer Disease seeks to recruit 1,000 families with two or more living brothers or sisters who have been diagnosed with late onset Alzheimer’s disease.
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